Press Kit
Care to Build a Rocket Engine in Your Room?
Virtually, of Course with This Gamified Engineering Tool
London, February 24, 2023 – Loren Aerospace is pleased to announce Meco Rocket Simulator – a simulator that introduces rocket engine concepts in a fun way to inspire budding rocket engineers and scientists to support our multi-planetary future.
Meco Rocket Simulator is now on Steam as an Early Access game launching in April 2023.
Loren Aerospace is founded by Daniel Sim and Lorena Ballestar. Daniel has 25 years of experience in technology startups and worked for the biggest names in the video game industry and scientific publishing.
What People Are Saying
- Meco lets players build rocket engines, test fuel-oxidizer and coolant combinations, and design injectors, pumps, turbines, gearboxes, thrust chambers, and nozzles.
- Gas and liquid flow in lines and ducts due to pressure and friction are simulated as players experiment with ignition, throttle and shutdown sequences, thrust chamber and nozzle temperatures, and engine cycles.
- Players tweak the design to get desired pressure, temperature, and flow rate readings, tweak combustion properties, and find safety margins.
The Kickstarter Campaign is now on and fully funded. There are only 14 days left to snap up exclusive backer rewards and discounts of up to 50%. Backer rewards include 3D printable rocket engine parts and having a science foundation in the game named after the backer.
Fact Sheet
- The simulation calculates the state of the engine 100,000 times a second.
- The creator spent over three years after work and on vacation working it.
- The accuracy of the simulation is benchmarked against published performance data of the Vulcain Engine. An upgraded Vulcain Engine was used to launch the James Webb Space Telescope.
- Using Anime for the game’s characters was voted in by Meco’s Twitter followers.
- Similarly, a Twitter Poll led to the decision to start a Kickstarter Campaign.
- Meco is more of an engineering simulation tool wrapped in a game for broader appeal.
- More than 5700 people have followed Meco on Twitter, and over 1600 have subscribed to Rocket Sim P.S. – Meco’s very own newsletter.
About Loren Aerospace
Loren Aerospace as developer of Low-fidelity Rocket Engine Simulation (LoREnSim) and Meco Rocket Simulator, Loren Aerospace’s mission is to accelerate humanity toward a multi-planetary future with leverage from Simulation Tech, AI, and Robotics. Loren Aerospace is a company registered in London, UK.